Assessing M&As For Cyber Risk

Considering cyber risk posture for investments and divestments

As the world becomes increasingly digital, M&A due diligence must catch up and incorporate comprehensive and impartial cyber risk analysis alongside other standard due diligence work streams.

Elasticito advises companies on how best to apply cyber risk assessments to understand the risk profile of target acquisitions, or to demonstrate digital independence and managed risk for assets that you might be looking to divest.

Cyber Risk Assessments for M&As

Elasticito uses the latest state-of-the-art automation technology and our team of cyber risk subject matter experts to provide impartial and 360 degree cyber risk assessments of companies that you might be looking to target or assets that you might be looking to divest.

Quantifying cyber risk to support investment decisions

Elasticito applies the FAIR Institute’s model for quantifying cyber risk to enable clear and concise advise to company Boards on the probable financial impact of a company’s current cyber risk posture.

When combined with technical risk data and compliance status reports, a complete view of the risk profile of a company can be ascertained and presented back to the Board to support key investment decisions.

Building cyber risk assessments into your M&A and investment strategy

If you are looking to incorporate cyber risk assessments into your corporate M&A or investment decision processes and you need expert external advice on how to implement this, get in touch with our team.

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